Welcome to MyIndex


Sign up now and start to enjoy the benefits which MyIndex has to offer.


Add your business to MyIndex today! Include a description of your business and services, upload images, even create a free online brochure which you can use on your own website. Plus a free link to your website!

About MyIndex

MyIndex is a newly launched business directory website to which businesses can add their details completely free. The site is still in beta testing, which means there will be some bugs, but we are continuously working to perfect it. If you come across a problem we would appreciate it if you would let us know.

We believe that the key to the future of Great Britain is held by the millions of businesses both large and small who work to provide the services and products needed for our national home market as well as overseas. Providing jobs, paying bills and stumping up our taxes are just everyday parts of the life of every businessperson. MyIndex is doing its bit to help businesses across the country promote themselves by providing a whole range of features for you to take advantage of.

But, we are a business too! Our standard listings are free to member businesses - all we ask is that you, yourself make use of the services. When you need something - a business service, supplies, a tradesperson - please use MyIndex. (Pay It Forward as the film said!) Eventually, our range of premium services will be available for those who would like to take advantage of some extra promotion. In the meantime, enjoy the site, make new contacts and visit often!