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What can the internet do for your business?
The internet is now the most used medium for people and businesses to search for the services or products that they want or are looking for. More importantly, search engines are the way people are using the internet by directing them to the services or products that they want to find. Predominantly Google is the main search engine and it is they whom everyone turns to find what they are looking for.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the means at which your website and business can be pushed to the top of the rankings for phrases that are highly relative to your business. We are here to make that happen for you and your business.
Best SEO in Essex has over 5 years experience working with Google and their ranking algorithm and we look to take respective businesses from nowhere in the search engines to the top of them.
Our approach is to find out what services a business provides, learn about the locations they operate, who their competitors are. Once we accumulate this information we are able to put together a plan for our clients, that includes time frames and costs laying reasonable expectations given their marketing budgets.
Once alterations to their website have been concluded and we move into the on-going link building phase, we maintain a relationship with our clients on a monthly basis. Discussing how progress has been made, what will happen in the months going forward and what they should expect. We make sure that we explain to each and every client that SEO marketing is a long-term evolving marketing approach for any business, that yields more results the longer they maintain that strategy.
For those clients wishing to get immediate traffic and business, we do offer Adwords management, which will drive targeted traffic to their website once a campaign has been set-up and is running. However, they are then competing with a number of other businesses within their niche and paying Google larger sums of money than they would if they had primarily used SEO as their marketing strategy.
Each client has different circumstances and will require a different approach, so every package is bespoke. Some clients may want to cover local areas, some the whole of a county or region, while others will want to rank their website for national terms. We have achieved this for specific clients and with competitive phrases nationally.
Our services are not for every business, as we know that to be able to give an effective SEO and marketing service for a business will come at a minimum cost and we feel that if try to service clients under that minimum cost we are unable to deliver a high-quality service and expand a business on the internet.
If your business has been operating a few years, but has little exposure on the internet and would like to expand then Google and the search engines still provide the best ROI of any current marketing method to date.
Feel free to contact us directly on 01702 861960 or visit our contact page www.bestseoinessex.co.uk/contact
We look forward to hearing any business that wants to grow and understands the value of marketing.
Best SEO in Essex.
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