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Super Clear, Profin, Profinex, PP, Packaging films, Label films, Synthetic paper,Protec, Protec-AF,Propeel,Propeel-AF,PAC,PActec,Prepac,Antifog,Peel,Propac-F,Barrier, Starpac,peelable films,antifog films,barrier films, stand up pouches, IWS, cheese films, injection moulding, cup, lid, box, iml-labels, in-mold label, in-mould label, beer crate label, mopp, mdo, cast-IML, castIML, cast PP, castPP, CPP, inmold label, in mould labeling, in mould labelling, in-mould labeling, in-mould labelling, in-m
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Business & Economy > Equipment & Material Supply > Plastics Stockists & Suppliers
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