Business Description
Stratex Systems is a unique organisation. We are the only software company in the world to provide an integrated, Risk-based Performance solution powered by Microsoft's SharePoint platform.
Our goal is simple – to help businesses execute strategy while operating within their acceptable level of risk exposure.
Business ServicesStratexPoint enables senior executives to effectively manage the risk and reward equation for their organisations, leading to better management discussions, decision-making and action-taking. Some of the activities which are supported by StratexPoint include:
- Defining strategy maps and strategic objectives
- Defining Balanced Scorecards, with KPIs, Initiatives and actions.
- Defining and managing key and emerging risks using risk maps
- Defining and monitoring risk appetite
- Calculating, managing and monitoring the alignment of risk exposure to appetite
- Conducting risk and control self-assessments
- Managing and monitoring KPIs, KRIs and KCIs using organisational and personal dashboards
- Defining, managing and monitoring the initiatives and actions which make up the organisational change agenda
- Define and manage operational processes and systems, and monitoring their performance, risk and controls
Business benefits
The key benefits that organizations can realise by implementing StratexPoint include:
â– Effective execution of strategy
â– Aligning risk appetite with risk exposure
â– Reducing costs by reducing risk-related losses and eliminating misaligned projects
â– Improving capital management and utilisation
â– Improving regulatory compliance
â– Demonstrably delivering TCF and other regulatory commitments and requirements
StratexPoint enabled us to reduce our operational losses by 60% and our economic capital provision by 23% - Head of Operational Risk
Business ProductsStratexPoint, StratexLive, Strategy & Risk Studio (Avaliable on iPad 2012)