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Street Child Africa is a UK-based charity that, over the past 13 years, has demonstrated it is small enough to be flexible, but big enough to make a difference. We are committed to a world where all African children are safe, loved, and reach their potential. We provide funding, training, and advice to 12 partner organisations working with street children in 8 sub-Saharan African countries: Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. Street children are denied access to education, excluded from healthcare systems, subject to multiple forms of violence and overlooked by national development strategies. They are often invisible, uncounted and unheard. Through our partners, we befriend street children and support their physical and emotional well-being; foster their skills and learning; encourage them to enjoy and express themselves through arts, sports, music and play; and help them to plan for their long-term needs. We also facilitate collaboration and support networks so that our partners can deal with the immediate needs of the children they meet and tackle the causes pushing children onto the streets in the first place.
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Education & Social Services > Charity & Voluntary > Charities & Voluntary Organisations
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